Making Mental Health Matter
Making Mental Health Matter
We are a mental health charity that aims to raise awareness through the Arts & Entertainment.
While doing this we will work closely with other charities and support groups to help raise awareness of their work while giving them a platform to tell their stories.
We are looking to become a funding giver to worthwhile mental health projects. Not only supplying finances but also helping behind the scenes to help make your project as successful as possible.
Time2talk is where it all started. An album with multiple artists. A very personal journey that healed and inspired Hope in the Highlands.
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"Do you know that your soul is composed of harmony?" Leonardo Da Vinci
"Music is the mediator between the spiritual and sensual life" Ludwig Van Beethoven
Copyright © 2023 Hope in the Highlands - All Rights Reserved.
Hope in the Highlands is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC052571