Time2Talk was founded by Mark, who struggled with mental health issues and was inspired to write a song that helped him cope with his struggles.
The song wasn't a hit, it didnt raise the money for charities Mark had hoped it would! Undeterred The album "Time2Talk" was born. The album features the work of multiple artists from around the world, all of whom have been affected by mental illness in some way.
We aim to raise enough money to host a music festival called
"Hope in the Highlands."
This festival will be held in Aberfeldy and will feature performances by all of our artists as well as other musical acts from around the world. The festival will raise funds for our charity so we can continue doing what we do best: helping people find hope through the Arts.
Copyright © 2023 Hope in the Highlands - All Rights Reserved.
Hope in the Highlands is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC052571